Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writer in Residence
Pardee 312


  • MFA, Boston University; MEd, Harvard University

Teaching area:  Poetry

Publications and Honors:  Prof. Hiton’s debut book of poems, Afterfeast, was chosen by Mary Jo Bang to win the Dorset Prize at Tupelo Press. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Kenyon Review, LAMBDA Literary, The Paris-American, Linebreak, New South, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Hobart, and Denver Quarterly among others. She is the author of the chapbooks The Clearing (Black Lawrence Press) and Variation on Testimony (CutBank Literary). Lisa runs a podcast in conjunction with library programming called Queer Poem-a-Day at the Deerfield Public Library, which has been featured on NPR, PEN America, and in libraries and classrooms across America.