Frank Lee and Edna M. Smith Professor Emeritus
204 Pardee Hall
(610) 330-5246


  • Ph.D., Chicago

Teaching and research interests: the literature and social history of the long 18th century (1660-1820); satire; the novel; poetry; literary research methods; the history of the book; digital humanities; analytic bibliography

Selected publications:

Swift’s Later Poems: Studies in Circumstances and Texts. New York: Garland, 1988.

The Intelligencer by Jonathan Swift and Thomas Sheridan. (A critical edition.) Oxford: Clarendon, 1992.

“Swift’s ‘Skinnibonia’: A New Poem from Lady Acheson’s Manuscript.” Reading Swift: Papers from the Fifth Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Ed. Hermann J. Real. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2008. 309-42.

“Finding English Verse, 1650-1800: First-Line Indexes and Searchable Electronic Texts.” 10th ed. BibSite. Bibliographical Society of America, 2013.

“Swift’s Most Popular Poems.” Reading Swift: Papers from the Sixth Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Ed. Kirsten Juhas, Hermann J. Real, and Sandra Simon. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2013. 367-82.

“Swift and Lord Berkeley, 1699-1701: Berkeley Castle Swiftiana.” “The first wit of the age”: Essays on Swift and His Contemporaries in Honour of Hermann Josef Real. Ed. Kirsten Juhas, Patrick Müller, and Mascha Hansen. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013. 31-68.

“Editing Swift: Problems and Possibilities.” Eighteenth-Century Intelligencer 28.1 (March 2014): 1-6.

(with Daniel Cook) “Charles Ford’s Library: New Light on Swift and Arbuthnot.” Swift Studies 32 (2017): 9-44.

“The Circulation of Verse in Jonathan Swift’s Dublin.” Eighteenth-Century Ireland 32 (2017): 126–40.

(with Andrew Carpenter) “Faulkner’s Volume II. Containing the Author’s Poetical Works: A New Uncancelled Copy.” Reading Swift: Papers from the Seventh Münster Symposium on Jonathan Swift. Ed. Janika Bischof, Kirsten Juhas, and Hermann Real. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2018. Forthcoming.

Work in progress: with Stephen Karian (University of Missouri), an edition of the poems volumes of the Cambridge Works of Jonathan Swift and a freely accessible web archive of Swift’s poems. These two projects have been supported by a Scholarly Editions Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Honors: Jones Award for Teaching and Scholarship; Student Government Award for Superior Teaching; Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching; Guggenheim Fellowship; National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship