Within the English department, students can choose to concentrate in literature or writing.
The literature concentration within the English major is the traditional English major. It reflects a strong commitment to the major periods, authors, and forms. Students explore various critical methods, theories, and cultural traditions.
The writing concentration within the English major allows students to concentrate on a variety of styles and forms, including creative writing, nonfiction, journalism, media, and rhetoric.
For a complete list of English courses, see the college course catalog.
The major with a literature concentration consists of at least ten English courses. These include:
In consultation with a department adviser, a student will select courses that emphasize various genres, literary and cultural traditions, and theoretical approaches. The selections should demonstrate a balance between British and American literature and between literature before and after 1800.
**English 100 (Introduction to Academic Writing) and English 202 (Writing Seminar), and 272/273 (Internship) do not count toward the literature concentration.
Effective with the Class of 2027
The major consists of at least ten English courses including English 205; 206; and eight additional courses, five of them numbered 300 or above. One of the electives must be 300-level course focused pre-1700; one must be a 300-level course focused 1700-1900; one must be a 300-level course focused after 1900. No more than one semester of independent study or thesis may be counted among the seven, English 100 (Intro to Academic Writing), 202 (Writing Seminar), and 272/273 (Internship) do not count toward the major.
In consultation with a department adviser, a student chooses at least ten literature and writing- or language-focused courses. These must include:
**English 100 (Introduction to Academic Writing) and English 202 (Writing Seminar) do not count toward the writing concentration.
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be repeated for credit when they address different topics. The adviser will authorize counting special topics courses toward the concentration when they are offered with a writing focus.
Effective with the Class of 2027
In consultation with a department adviser, a student chooses at least ten literature and writing- or language-focused courses including English 205; 206; any three of English 231, 240, 247, 250*, 251, 254, 255, 256, 272/273 (internship); any two of English 320, 350*, 351, 361, 362, 365, 395; and any three other 300- or 400-level English courses. One of the electives must be 300-level course focused pre-1700; one must be a 300-level course focused 1700-1900; one must be a 300-level course focused after 1900. No more than one semester of independent study or thesis may be included. English 100 (Intro to Academic Writing) and 202 (Writing Seminar) do not count toward the writing concentration. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be repeated for credit when they address different topics. The adviser will authorize counting special topics courses toward the concentration when they are offered with a writing focus.
For spring 2022 ONLY the following 300-level courses count as writing concentration electives: 350, 352, 353, 365.
In consultation with a department adviser, a student selects a minimum of five English courses, including 205, and at least three courses numbered 300 or above. One semester of internship may count toward the five; English 100 (College Writing) and English 202 (Writing Seminar) may not count.
In consultation with a department adviser, a student chooses at least five English courses, including English 205 or 206; any two of English 231, 250*, 251, 254, 255, 256, 272/273 (internship); and any two of English 320, 350*, 351, 361, 362, 365, 395.
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) may be repeated for credit when they address different topics. The adviser will authorize counting special topics courses toward the minor when they are offered with a writing focus. English 100 (College Writing) and English 202 (Writing Seminar) do not count toward the writing minor. This minor is not open to English majors.