Associate Professor of English, Director of the First-Year Seminar Program, and Interim Director of the College Writing Program
301B Pardee Hall


  • Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Teaching and research interests: Writing; pedagogy; print culture in the long 19th century; history of the book; textual criticism; animal studies

Selected publications:

“Felicia Hemans’s Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers: History, Memory, Nation.”   A Band of Exiles on the Wild New England Shore:  The Place of Peter Frederick Rothermel’s The Landing of the Pilgrims in America’s National Memory.  Easton, PA: Williams Center Gallery, Lafayette College: 2014.

“Reading with Difficulty.” Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy 60 (2010): 102-121.

“’To Him My Tale I Teach’: Figuring Reading and Writing in Late Nineteenth-Century School Editions of Coleridge’s ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner.’” Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy  56 (spring 2007): 86-107.

“(The Teaching of) Reading and Writing at Lafayette College,” co-authored with Patricia Donahue. Alternative Histories/Local Histories. Patricia Donahue and Gretchen Flesher Moon, eds. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2007. 38-57.

“Literacy, Identity, and the ‘Successful’ Student,” co-authored with William Carpenter. Identity Papers: Literacy and Power in Higher Education. Bronwyn Williams, ed. Logan, Utah: Utah State UP, 2006. 92-108.

“Henry Reed and William Wordsworth: An Editor-Author Relationship and the Production of British Romantic Discourse.” Romantic Textualities: Romanticism and Print Culture, 1780-1840 15 (Winter 2005): 29-48.

“When Teaching is a Private Affair.” Composition Studies 32.2 (2004):  93-108.